How to Pray the 5 Daily Salah

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The 5 Daily Salah

1-How to Pray Fajr – 2 Rakah

This is the first prayer of the day and it takes place at the time of dawn before sunrise.

This prayer requires 2 rakah. For both rakah you will recite surah Fatihah loudly and a second chapter from the Qur’an loudly as well.

Let’s watch this video to get a better idea.

2-How to Pray Dhur – 4 Rakah

You will pray silently for the entire prayer. However, the narrator here says everything loudly so you can follow along.

3-How to Pray Asr – 4 Rakah

4-How to Pray Maghrib – 3 Rakah

You will recite loudly for the first 2 rakah, and then recite silently for the 3rd rakah.

5-How to Pray Isha – 4 Rakah

Similar to Maghrib which comes before it, you will recite loudly for the first 2 rakah, and then recite silently for the last 2 rakah.

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